Signposts for culture fans

Information signposts abound!

Follow the many informative panels guiding culture enthusiasts through downtown area.

Exploring this beautiful city on foot and discovering its charming sights has never been easier. Signposts scattered across the city offer valuable guidance for both tourists and locals alike.

The city boasts a blend of architectural styles, from baroque and Art Nouveau to contemporary designs, creating a unique and harmonious atmosphere found nowhere else. Renowned architects like Jakob Prandtauer, Josef Munggenast, Joseph Olbrich, Hans Hollein, and Ernst Hoffmann have all left their mark, gracing the town with extraordinary buildings.

Take your time in St. Pölten!

You can find these helpful signposts on squares, buildings in the city center, the government district, the train station, and many more places. They're there to not only make your navigation easier but also to provide interesting insights into the city as well as highlighting specific perspectives on beautiful ornaments or details, such as cobblestones and historical paving stones. Happy exploring!